
Saturday Night Scent

If you know me you know that I "die" for Rachel Zoe. I love that lady and all her quirky little sayings. I remember once on her show she said that perfume is the finishing touch to any girls outfit. So true! For some reason that little spritz of delicious smelliness just blends everything together and sends you on your way.  Unfortunately, if you are a little strapped for cash like myself you know that the good stuff is not really that affordable. Lately, I've been buying the tiniest little bottles because they are the cheapest. I'm sure if you use them sparingly they will last quiet some time. I like to think of the tiny little bottles as a little taste tester. Then if you really love the scent, go buy the big guy when you run out. I sort of like the idea that it's not going to last forever so at some point you will have a legitimate excuse to run off and by a new one, or better yet experiment with a new scent.

So this all leads to my new favorite Saturday night scent, Nina by Nina Ricci. Of course you have to use certain scents for certain occasions. I have my beach perfume, class perfume, going to work perfume, and of course my Saturday night scent. All scents which I will share with you at some point...but not right away because I want you comin' back for more! :) I decided Nina would be my
Saturday night scent after wearing it for the first week and
constantly getting comments from people.

For example, one day I was at the gas station filling my car up with gas when the man, on the opposite side of the gas pump, mind you, pops his head around the big ol' box and goes "mmmmm you smell sooo delicious!"  I know, super creepy right? It seemed weird to me that he could even smell me from that far away but I took it for what it was and said thank you.  He then proceeded to convince me that I really did smell beautiful and that he would love to take me on a date. I declined very politely and then quickly finished up pumping as quickly as possible.

This wasn't the first time I had gotten some overly strange compliment about how good I smelled when wearing this perfume so I guess that's gotta say something for this perfume right? And that in a nutshell, is why I decided to deem this perfume my Saturday night scent. Along with the fact that most of the other perfumes I have are much more day time smells, Nina by Nina Ricci is the only one  seems eligible to accompany me on a night out.

The best little secret about this little perfume is that I picked it up at Target! How convenient right? So next time you are roaming the Target isles make your way over to the cosmetics section and pick yourself up some Nina. Betchya you'll get loads of compliments!

Love always,  Whit

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